Saturday, August 17, 2013

5 or so drafts waiting

I have sat down a million times to update my blog and my adventure into being a SAHM (Stay At Home Mom), but with that comes a few distractions. OK, a LOT of distractions. I have at least 5 drafts that are thoughts rolling around in my head and updates that will probably never make it to a post status. I think they'll be fine though. As in I'm going to try not to lose any sleep over them. I will try to update more often, as I am going to need some sort of outlet. But for now, here goes:

I enjoyed my summer with my kids. I truly did. But I also thought that I'd have found a job by now. I get depressed when I think about it, so I try not to, which doesn't do anything to solve the problem. I have a good amount of retirement saved up in the system, but I can't even apply for that until November (4 months after you stop paying into it you can ask for it.) So September, October and most of November will suck. Hard.

I've done a lot of planning and prepping. I have one more paycheck coming to me, and with that, I will finish my stocking up of food, to make sure that my kids eat every day, and eat well. I am still terrified that the decision I made will have more complex implications than I can realize. But I know I made the right decision. When I can get my retirement money, we will have enough to get us out of debt completely, other than the house and student loans. I hope and pray that the planning I've done will be enough. >BR>
I've been making a lot of homemade things, and the kids and husband have taken to them. Especially the bread. Making a lot of casseroles and then freezing half of it for another day. My most recent homemade was jam, both blueberry and strawberry. They are both great! Cost-wise, I don 't think they are comparable, as I can get a large jar pretty cheap, But the taste!!! OMG the taste! I made three of each kind and only used 2/3 c of sugar per recipe. The sweetness comes from the fruit itself, which was fairly inexpensive at the farmer's market. The kids love it too. Next I am going to make my own ketchup.

Now, the timer from the microwave is going off, telling me that dinner is done and therefore I am too. I have a million and ten more thoughts in my head. Hopefully I'll be back no later than Monday to continue the exodus of thoughts. And Nathaniel starts preschool Monday, so I will need an emotional outlet. HOw is he 4 already? I only blinked once!

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