Friday, December 2, 2011

Green Olive

It's Friday!!! Baby update day! Here is what the baby is up to this week, according to

Your Baby: Week 9
Your little embryo has now officially graduated to fetus-hood. Adding to the excitement, a Doppler ultrasound device might be able to pick up the beating heart. With basic physical structures in place and increasingly distinct facial features, baby is kind of starting to look like... well... a baby.

At nine weeks pregnant, you and baby have made two big accomplishments: You’ve made it to month three, and she’s no longer an embryo -- now she’s a fetus. Basically that means she’s becoming more and more baby-like, and you’re inching closer and closer to leaving the nasties of the first trimester behind you. Just one more month to go! By now, you’ve probably visited the OB, and maybe even seen baby’s tiny heartbeat on the ultrasound. Exciting stuff, huh? You’re also probably starting to think about how life will change when baby’s in the picture. Around week nine, you might want to start looking for ways you and your partner can budget, so you have some extra cash when she arrives. You also should consider checking out your company’s handbook to see how maternity leave is typically handled. That way, when it comes time to break the news to your boss, you’ll be prepared to discuss your expectations -- and begin a potential plan -- with her.

This is a milestone. She's no longer an embryo -- now she's a fetus!
She's developing more distinct facial features.
And she might now have a strong enough heartbeat to be picked up by a fetal doppler.

So there's what baby is up to. Me? I am feeling great! I have very little morning sickness, although I'm sure to get it now, just for writing that. I am tired all the time. but that's to be expected. I have gained a few pounds already. I did that when I switched to insulin when I was pregnant with Nathaniel. Since I am already on the insulin now, I didn't expect anything else.

I am eating reasonably well. Always within my carb count, of course (ok, with the exception of that brownie I had after dinner- Nathaniel's fault. He demanded we make brownies for Daddy. Being the caring wife I am, I had to make sure they were ok for him to eat!)

Still having some sugar control issues. Not going too high, but going too low. My doctor told me I wasn't eating enough (really?) but a lot of the time, I have no desire to eat. I literally have to force myself to eat lunch and dinner sometimes. Yesterday, for example, I shot up the insulin and made my lunch. It was a Home Run Inn frozen pizza, ultra thin crust only 31 g of carbs and normally so delicious. I ate about 4 bites and despite the fact I was really enjoying it, I did not want to eat it at all. It tasted great, I just wasn't hungry. When am I ever not hungry for pizza?????

Crazy I know. So I force myself to eat it, knowing that my blood sugar will drop like a stone if I don't. I finished that and some peaches in juice (no sugar added) and go back to class. An hour later, my sugar is 114. Don't get me wrong, that's a gerat number. But an hour after that I was shaking and my heart was racing. Low blood sugar episode. Fortunately, the custodian chose that time to bring in the fruit (we get fruits and veg twice a week for a snack! Thank you healthy kids grant!) I devoured a huge green apple. But, I was still shaky. I went to my car, since I had some trail mix in there, and because I was feeling like crap, proceeded to eat damn near the whole bag. I als had some crackers.

I am sure that shot my sugar through the roof! But, once my levels get low, I always seem to respond with over eating on the snacks. I am supposed to eat every 2 to 3 hours, but what do you do when you are not hungry? So, I am still working on that.

Appointment updates: I have four in the next week. Monday I have an ultrasound and a high risk OB appointment at UIC. I am terrified of going there. Some women I have talked with said that the level of care during pregnancy is great, but labor and delivery left a lot to be desired. And no private rooms!!! I pray that we can still deliver at St. James then. I also have two appointments on Tuesday. One with Dr. A., a typical appointment, and then one with the nutritionist at the diabetes center.

So I guess that's all for now. Most of our family and friends know about Baby 2012 (Which is what I wrote on the Christmas cards- except for those who don't know yet. theirs just say our names). I am slowly telling colleagues. Not hiding it, just not as forthcoming as I usually am. There are still a few people that Pat wants to tell in person, so other than that, let's call this a week!

Oh, one more thing: with the baby being the size of a green olive, it really makes me want this awesome dip that my BFF makes using cream cheese, green onions and olive juice. Sound nasty as hell, but OMG. I don't want the chips, just the dip. Mmmmm.... dip....

1 comment:

  1. you are hysterical, the chips make the dip too, extra salt factor :)
