Tuesday, February 28, 2012

People Suck

I know the old expression about people and their opinions. It's just so true. Everyone does have one, and they usually stink.

I was expressing to my friends today about my poor boy being sick again. It sucks, but what can you do? It's not like I can pull him out of the petri dish known as day care. I can't stay home with him all the time, much as I'd like to. There is nothing wrong with a two year old that gets sick twice in four months. He has a high fever yes. But I trust that the doctor knows what he is doing. (And I take that knowing that doctors "practice" medicine.)

But who the fuck are you to tell me that my son needs more tests done? I thought that asshole who assumed there was something wrong with him was dead. Just because you took classes to become a CNA does NOT mean that you can diagnose my child nor does it mean that you have the medical training necessary to determine that more tests need to be done.

I'm glad that your kid wasn't that sick when he was two. Did it ever occur to you that it might be because your parents were taking care of him and he wasn't in day care? Must be nice to have gotten knocked up when you were a teenager and since you were so incredibly incapable of taking care of your responsibilities and going to school you left your biggest responsibility to someone else! I don't have that luxury. Pat and I work damn hard for what we have, and Nathaniel is OUR responsibility and it is our JOY to care for him. Unfortunately, that means he has to go to day care, which is, by the way, a place that he LOVES to go. He loves his teachers and they love him and he loves his friends. He is a great kid and I know that I won't be bitching about how terrible he is and how he won't listen to me when he's 9, 10, and 11.

I never judged a person for getting pregnant so young, but honey, now you've earned it.

I thank God and the creator of facebook for the "unfriend" button. It worked wonders for me today.

Sunday, February 26, 2012

21 Weeks- Banana

I don't have much to say this week, but here's what's going on inside, according to the bump.

Pressure’s on. Have you found the perfect baby name yet? It seems like parents-to-be either come up with baby’s name quickly and easily, or agonize over it all the way up until the birth. Either way, once you find one that seems perfect, you’ll probably think it’s even more perfect once you get to know (and fall in love with) the little bundle of joy who’ll go by it. At 21 weeks, not only are you likely to be looking anywhere and everywhere for baby name ideas, but you might be getting a sneak preview of some third trimester symptoms, such as leaky boobs, Braxton Hicks contractions and heartburn. While your body preps for baby’s arrival, you’re probably hard at work getting your home ready too. Of course, things like baby bouncers and changing table pads can be tough to choose from, but try not to stress. Baby won’t care if you pick out a playard that clashes with the area rug.

your baby's the size of a banana!

At 10.5 inches and about 12.2 ounces, she's big enough now that you've probably been feeling her movements.

your baby at 21 weeks

As her digestive system preps for the outside world, she's manufacturing meconium -- the tarry black substance you'll find in her first dirty diaper (ew)!
If it's a girl, she's already got a lifetime's supply of eggs in her womb -- about six million of them!

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Had My Anatomy Scan Today

I have been so very nervous about this day. For the past 16 weeks, I have done everything I could to keep my blood sugar under control, so that my daughter will be healthy. However, there was nothing I could do about before I knew I was pregnant. I knew the risks before I got pregnant. Heart defects, birth defects, kidney malfunctions, etc., etc., etc. There were too many things to even think about.

So needless to say, I knew it was going to be a long day.

I got to the doctor's ofice (at UIC) and waited for them to tell me that I had to register because they couldn't find my referral. Didn't happen. However, i beat Pat and Nathaniel there by a few minutes, so I waited for them instead. I needed to have them both there for support, should they find somehting wrong. They showed up just as I was being called back.

I was taken to one of the regular rooms, not an ultrasound room. When I mentioned to the nurse that my appointment with Dr. A was at 2, not 1, she said, well, she'll just see you first and then they'll call you for your ultrasound. (I really hate UIC.) So I hd my appointment, which, to no one's surprise, was about 15 seconds long. Your sugars are fine. See you in two weeks. I told her that I would be back in 2 1/2, when we have our fetal echocardiogram, so she at least let me make an appointment for then.

We were on our way back to the waiting room for the u/s when the techs found us and we were escorted inside. I was getting even more nervous, because it's just what I do. Pat was pretty nervous too, but my rock is always so outwardly calm. I am ever so grateful for that!

Anyway, long story short, she is perfect! Her heart, kidneys, brain, length... everything was normal and healthy looking. They took well over 100 pictures and had me turn to my right and left. I was just so relieved that I was crying. I don't hink that surprised anyone either. At one point, Nathaniel asked if I was crying. I admitted that I was. I couldn't help myself.

There were points that we were laughing though. Veronica is just like her big brother. They both have tiny heads. They both were laying across my belly, facing my back. And, they boht like to lie there with their arm up next to their heads. Pat and I just couldn't get over that.

Tomorrow is the official update day, but I was set at ease today, and needed to share.

Monday, February 20, 2012


Because apparently I have some time on my hands, I have joined Pinterest. I am finding a lot of cool things on there. Some yummy looking stuff to make and eat. Some new ideas for use in the classroom. I've been pinning places that I'd like to go some day. (but probably never will.)

It's fascinating to see what you can find out there on the webs.

However, I don't find that there's a whole lot that I can contribute to the pinning community. Maybe I am just as big a loser as I've been feeling lately. I am fairly certain that these feelings are temporary, but right now they just suck.

It started a few days ago when I was listening to the radio and they were having a contest to win a trip to Mexico. You had to explain why you are such an interesting person. I had to think really long and hard about that. I think the only thing that makes me interesting is that I am so incredibly UN-interesting.

To try to get myself out of this funk, I tried to complete another one of my 101 things to do- list 10 things I love about myself. I couldn't do it. (And to be fair, I have a hard time concentrating on anything at the moment. It's frustrating to watch TV because that can't even hold my interest long.)

I thought about starting my list of 100 things that make me happy... but I can't do that one right now either. I could list 100s of things about Nathaniel and Pat that make me happy, but I want to find other things. I don't think that I've got enough in me to find those 100 things. It would probably be really easy to do the 100 things that piss me off list, though!!!

So, what can I do to change this attitude? I created a board on pinterest called "After." It for inspiring me to get healthy after I have the baby (whose name is Veronica Lynn, by the way). I plan to start September 1st, come Hell or high water. I figure that will give me 2 months to heal after the surgery, and then no excuses. Nathaniel will be in school and Veronica will be at Joan's house, so I will start slow and easy- walking after school three times a week.

I have found some exericises to do that look simple enough to do and only take a few minutes. I am hoping to have some success that will inspire me to have some more success.

Wish me luck as I add to my boards.

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Sick of Eating Eggs

So, every morning since the beginning of November, I have had eggs for breakfast. Why? you may ask. Because they don't drive up my blood sugar. (Insulin resistance during pregnancy is hardest to control in the morning, due to the build up of hormones whilst sleeping.)

I am so sick and tired of eating eggs. I swear to God that after this baby is born, it will be a long damn time before I eat them again. Now, obviously it's not the only thing that I can eat. It's just that they're quick, easy and cheap. Plus, I can share them with Nathaniel, so he has a little bit to eat before he goes to school. (He does eat breafast there.)

I really need to find some low carb options for breakfast that doesn't include cheeseburgers. Or fruit. Because sadly, fruit will raise my sugars too high.

As I sit here typing this, I am reminded that I made a huge crock pot of chili last night. I guess I could have a bowl of that for breakfast. I am trying my best to eat healthily, but it doesn't always work out that way.

And speaking of not healthy, we went out for breakfast as we normally do on Sunday mornings. I normally get the Denver omlette with cheese. But I just couldn't do the eggs. (It even made me a little sick to look at Pat's plate of eggs.) I ordered strawberry crepes. They were probably some of the worst crepes I have ever had, but OMG did they taste good!!!

Anyway, off to find some news ideas for breakfast.

Friday, February 17, 2012

20 weeks- Cantaloupe- halfway there!!!!

Bon Jovi is running through my head right now. "Whoa, we're halfway there, whoa-oh! Living on a prayer!" I can't beleive that it's half done. I have at most 19 weeks to go (only 19 because I'll have a repeat c-section no later than 39 weeks.) I am just so amazed at how time seems to be flying. My little girl will be here before I know it.

So here's what is going on this week:

Congrats! You almost reached the halfway point. Making it to 20 weeks probably feels pretty darn good. After all, your energy’s high and as long as your partner is up for it, things are probably happening between the sheets. Of course, it wouldn’t be pregnancy if you weren’t experiencing some annoying symptoms. Right now, it’s likely swelling, heartburn and leg cramps, but all of that probably feels insignificant now that you’ve got ultrasound photos of your rapidly developing baby. How cute is that nose? If you found out baby’s sex, you’re in a completely new mindset, are we right? Now, those baby names you’re throwing out are more likely to end up as baby’s, and when you find yourself in a baby store, those little blue or pink outfits aren’t just adorable, they’re must-haves. And since now you can add clothes and other boyish or girlish things to your wish list, week 20 is the time you probably want to start putting together your baby registry too. Happy shopping!

your baby's the size of a cantaloupe!
Baby weighs about 10.2 ounces and measures about 6.5 inches. She's still got a lot of growing to do though. Can you believe you're halfway done?

your baby at 20 weeks
She's got working taste buds.
Now, she's gulping down several ounces of amniotic fluid each day -- that's significantly more than before.

Friday, February 10, 2012

19 weeks- Mango!

Had two good appointments this week, on with Dr. A at his new office, and one with Dr. A at UIC. I hate going there. I mean seriously, how many times are they going to lose the referral? Cuz they did again. That, and I drive 2 1/2 hours round trip, wait in the waiting room for 40 minutes, and then see the doctor for 5 minutes. Literally only 5 minutes. It's fricking ridiculous. But I will do what I have to do to keep this baby girl safe.

Here's what's going on inside, according to the bump.

At 19 weeks, you’re probably getting psyched for your mid-pregnancy ultrasound. Most parents-to-be think of this test as the chance they get to find out baby’s sex. But you actually will see a lot more than baby’s boy or girl parts. The ultrasound technician will scan pretty much scan all of baby’s body to make sure everything’s developing properly. Don’t leave the place without getting some printouts from the scan to take home with you and show off. Of course, going in for your test isn’t the only thing you should be planning ahead for around week 19, you should also probably start the search for a pediatrician. Start by asking some family and friends for recommendations and then make a few appointments to meet with the docs. So what do you think it is -- a boy or a girl?

your baby's the size of a mango!
At about 6.0 inches long and weighing in at about 8.5 ounces, she's getting there!

your baby at 19 weeks
Developing a protective coating over her skin, called vernix caseosa. It's greasy and white and you may see some of it at her birth.
Working on her five senses. Nerve cells for her sense of taste, hearing, sight and smell are developing in her brain

Sunday, February 5, 2012

We're having a....

Well, now that my whole family knows, I can say it here, too. We're having a GIRL!!!!! I have already been shopping for a few things. You know, like her Christmas dress. What do you mean it's only February? Yeah, I love to shop the clearance sales.

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This gorgeous dress was originally $54.00. After the markdowns and 15% discount, I got it for $9. Not too shabby, huh?

So, yeah, I have been having some fun.

I was a bit shocked though when the tech said that it was a girl. I don't think I fully believed it. Pat was quiet for a minute, but he is happy. My mom was with us too when we found out. She is thrilled.

I was the one who took the longest to let it sink in. It will all be good though.

Friday, February 3, 2012

18 weeks- Sweet Potato

Gonna be lazy this week, until tomorrow that is! Here's what's going on.

What the heck is baby doing in there at 18 weeks? A lot! He’s working his muscles and practicing all kinds of moves. (Can you feel them yet?) Over the next few weeks, you should make sure to start sleeping on your side. That’s because baby (and your uterus) are getting big enough to press against large veins in the back of your abdomen, which can reduce the amount of blood going to your heart, making you feel lightheaded, or worse, lowering your blood pressure. Of course, your veins aren’t the only things that are prone to pressure -- you might be too! Not only are you super busy, but you might be having some not-so-fun symptoms, like swollen feet or hands, backaches, leg cramps and nosebleeds. And the stress and discomfort might be keeping you up at night around week 18. Be sure, in your hectic schedule, that you plan some time to unwind. (Great excuse for some pregnancy pampering! Can you say prenatal massage?!) It’s important to give your body and your mind a break for a little while. That just might help you get the sleep you need, too.

your baby's the size of a sweet potato!
She's about 5.6 inches long and about 6.7 ounces now and she keeps on growing rapidly. (That's why you're probably feeling so hungry.)

your baby at 18 weeks
Can you believe she's yawning, hiccuping, sucking and swallowing?
And she's twisting, rolling, punching and kicking, too -- and she's big enough that you might be able to feel her doing it!