Thursday, February 23, 2012

Had My Anatomy Scan Today

I have been so very nervous about this day. For the past 16 weeks, I have done everything I could to keep my blood sugar under control, so that my daughter will be healthy. However, there was nothing I could do about before I knew I was pregnant. I knew the risks before I got pregnant. Heart defects, birth defects, kidney malfunctions, etc., etc., etc. There were too many things to even think about.

So needless to say, I knew it was going to be a long day.

I got to the doctor's ofice (at UIC) and waited for them to tell me that I had to register because they couldn't find my referral. Didn't happen. However, i beat Pat and Nathaniel there by a few minutes, so I waited for them instead. I needed to have them both there for support, should they find somehting wrong. They showed up just as I was being called back.

I was taken to one of the regular rooms, not an ultrasound room. When I mentioned to the nurse that my appointment with Dr. A was at 2, not 1, she said, well, she'll just see you first and then they'll call you for your ultrasound. (I really hate UIC.) So I hd my appointment, which, to no one's surprise, was about 15 seconds long. Your sugars are fine. See you in two weeks. I told her that I would be back in 2 1/2, when we have our fetal echocardiogram, so she at least let me make an appointment for then.

We were on our way back to the waiting room for the u/s when the techs found us and we were escorted inside. I was getting even more nervous, because it's just what I do. Pat was pretty nervous too, but my rock is always so outwardly calm. I am ever so grateful for that!

Anyway, long story short, she is perfect! Her heart, kidneys, brain, length... everything was normal and healthy looking. They took well over 100 pictures and had me turn to my right and left. I was just so relieved that I was crying. I don't hink that surprised anyone either. At one point, Nathaniel asked if I was crying. I admitted that I was. I couldn't help myself.

There were points that we were laughing though. Veronica is just like her big brother. They both have tiny heads. They both were laying across my belly, facing my back. And, they boht like to lie there with their arm up next to their heads. Pat and I just couldn't get over that.

Tomorrow is the official update day, but I was set at ease today, and needed to share.

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