Monday, February 20, 2012


Because apparently I have some time on my hands, I have joined Pinterest. I am finding a lot of cool things on there. Some yummy looking stuff to make and eat. Some new ideas for use in the classroom. I've been pinning places that I'd like to go some day. (but probably never will.)

It's fascinating to see what you can find out there on the webs.

However, I don't find that there's a whole lot that I can contribute to the pinning community. Maybe I am just as big a loser as I've been feeling lately. I am fairly certain that these feelings are temporary, but right now they just suck.

It started a few days ago when I was listening to the radio and they were having a contest to win a trip to Mexico. You had to explain why you are such an interesting person. I had to think really long and hard about that. I think the only thing that makes me interesting is that I am so incredibly UN-interesting.

To try to get myself out of this funk, I tried to complete another one of my 101 things to do- list 10 things I love about myself. I couldn't do it. (And to be fair, I have a hard time concentrating on anything at the moment. It's frustrating to watch TV because that can't even hold my interest long.)

I thought about starting my list of 100 things that make me happy... but I can't do that one right now either. I could list 100s of things about Nathaniel and Pat that make me happy, but I want to find other things. I don't think that I've got enough in me to find those 100 things. It would probably be really easy to do the 100 things that piss me off list, though!!!

So, what can I do to change this attitude? I created a board on pinterest called "After." It for inspiring me to get healthy after I have the baby (whose name is Veronica Lynn, by the way). I plan to start September 1st, come Hell or high water. I figure that will give me 2 months to heal after the surgery, and then no excuses. Nathaniel will be in school and Veronica will be at Joan's house, so I will start slow and easy- walking after school three times a week.

I have found some exericises to do that look simple enough to do and only take a few minutes. I am hoping to have some success that will inspire me to have some more success.

Wish me luck as I add to my boards.

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