Tuesday, February 28, 2012

People Suck

I know the old expression about people and their opinions. It's just so true. Everyone does have one, and they usually stink.

I was expressing to my friends today about my poor boy being sick again. It sucks, but what can you do? It's not like I can pull him out of the petri dish known as day care. I can't stay home with him all the time, much as I'd like to. There is nothing wrong with a two year old that gets sick twice in four months. He has a high fever yes. But I trust that the doctor knows what he is doing. (And I take that knowing that doctors "practice" medicine.)

But who the fuck are you to tell me that my son needs more tests done? I thought that asshole who assumed there was something wrong with him was dead. Just because you took classes to become a CNA does NOT mean that you can diagnose my child nor does it mean that you have the medical training necessary to determine that more tests need to be done.

I'm glad that your kid wasn't that sick when he was two. Did it ever occur to you that it might be because your parents were taking care of him and he wasn't in day care? Must be nice to have gotten knocked up when you were a teenager and since you were so incredibly incapable of taking care of your responsibilities and going to school you left your biggest responsibility to someone else! I don't have that luxury. Pat and I work damn hard for what we have, and Nathaniel is OUR responsibility and it is our JOY to care for him. Unfortunately, that means he has to go to day care, which is, by the way, a place that he LOVES to go. He loves his teachers and they love him and he loves his friends. He is a great kid and I know that I won't be bitching about how terrible he is and how he won't listen to me when he's 9, 10, and 11.

I never judged a person for getting pregnant so young, but honey, now you've earned it.

I thank God and the creator of facebook for the "unfriend" button. It worked wonders for me today.

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