Saturday, February 15, 2014

Life is Starting Over

I went to the doctor two weeks ago for a regular check up. I had to do some blood work, which was no surprise. What was surprising was the results. I have really high cholesterol. I'm now taking medication for it and eating foods that I should have been eating all along. (I'll go into that later.) But when the nurse called me, she gave me some wrong information. The number she gave me for my cholesterol was so high that I would be dead in 5 years. Before my sweet girl is in second grade, I would be dead. Before my wonderful boy would be in 5th grade, they would put me in the ground.

So I am taking steps to make sure that doesn't happen. And I really have been eating healthier. I usually have a green smoothie for breakfast. It has fruit, oatmeal, almonds, flax, and spinach. I make it with almond milk. It has no cholesterol in it and it's packed with nutrients. And they taste really good.

Lunches have been salads with chicken, but the sauce I love to use on my chicken has a bit too much sodium for my own good. I compensate with water, but I know that I can do better.

Dinner is easy. I start off with a big ass salad, then move to my proteins and veggies, and if I am still hungry, a little bit of carbs.

So for two weeks, I have been trying to change my life, one meal at a time. And the crazy thing is I think I'm doing it! I had a double cheeseburger last weekend, as we agreed that we'd have one splurge day a week. It made me sick. I had a Valentine's day date with Nathaniel and I ate a chocolate cupcake. I ain't gonna lie- that shit was good going down. But I felt so sick after eating it that I don't want any again. I haven't had any bacon, but I have had cheese. But I don't eat nearly as much as I used to. I am making huge progress with my eating. Now I just have to get off my ass.

I want to get an elliptical and put it in the basement. I can go down there and get some alone time and some exercise. Big bonus with that alone time. Just put the ipod on and go. Or, since there's a tv and dvd player, throw in a movie and start. I know that I can do it. I really have no choice left. You want to hear something really crazy? I am loving this healthy food. I have never felt better, although part of that could be the anti-depressant I'm taking. I've even managed to not start my day with a pepsi.

But honestly, the best part of this whole thing is that my kids are eating better. Fruit with every meal, and every color of the rainbow. They're still picky about veggies, but I try not to worry too much because of the fruit.

Now on to my next challenge- 15 weeks from tomorrow is June 1st. For the next 15 weeks I am focusing wholly on my self and my health. I will not be weighing myself for those 15 weeks (which will be a damn hard habit to break), and instead focus on how I am feeling and how my clothes (don't) fit. I look forward to sharing this challenge with others, and I won't be alone doing it, which helps. My sister will be doing it with me. In 6 weeks, I go back for a repeat cholesterol test. By then I want to rock that test. This challenge will really help me with that.

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