Friday, September 23, 2011


I really have nothing to write about, but I feel like I should have tons to get out. I am feeling a little down in the dumps right now, after having such a good day. I don't know what's going on in my head. I am feeling so overwhelemed with all the stuff I want to/need to do, with the result that I am not doing anything!

I haven't finished the thank you cards for Pat, I have tons of work to do for school, my house is a huge mess, and I have to take my final for my spanish class. I am nowhere near ready for that. If readiness were a state, it would be Alaska and I'd be in Florida with the old people! (Hey, it's thundering outside!)

See, no focus whatsoever. I should've started a load of laundry tonight. But I didn't. I will start the laundry whenever I get up tomorrow (which will be early, since Pat needs to get up). It's my goal for tomorrow. I would also love to vacuum the living room and take the leaves out of the dining room table. Such lofty goals, huh?

Anyway, hopefully in another week, my life will return to normal and I can move on with everything else. And by that, I mean to make a schedule and follow it, plus a more realistic cleaning plan.

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