Monday, May 7, 2012

31 weeks- Pineapple

Mmmmm. Pineapple. Nathaniel and I hacked one up late last week and promptly devoured it. It was sooooo good. We have 39 days to go until Veronica is full term, and I am hoping that we can make it that long. I had some swelling again last night and this morning, there was a small amount of protein in my pee.

My two wonderful friends, Katharine and Kris, are throwing me a baby shower on June 2nd. I am very excited but if I'm honest, I'm a little scared too. I am afraid that no one will show up. I know my mom will come, and Jess, but what if no one else does? I really do sit in fear of this happeneing. I really don't have a lot of friends, and I'm kind of embarassed by that. I am just not a social person. The invite list was about 8 family members, 10 co-workers (none of whom have called, stopped by, or even emailed to see how we're doing) and 1 friend, other than the hostesses. Looking at the list actually made me very depressed. I feel really alone and forgotten. And I hate feeling like this.

But here's what's going on inside this week, according to the bump.

Welcome to week 31. Can you believe all five of baby’s senses are fully developed? He also keeps getting smarter. That’s probably good to know, since you might actually feel a little dumb. You’re not! It’s just that many moms-to-be find themselves acting absentmindedly during the third trimester. Some say that “pregnancy brain” isn’t a proven physical ailment, but can you think of another time in your life when you’ve had more on your mind than now? We’re guessing no. That right there is enough of a reason to be so forgetful. From 31 weeks on, you’re bound to feel a lot of the same symptoms -- some may get worse, some may become bearable. And you might start to have more trouble getting around as you get heavier and feel more and more short of breath. Remember not to push yourself too much. It’s good for you and baby to get some exercise, but definitely take breaks to rest as much as you need.

Your baby's the size of a pineapple! He's about 15.2 to 16.7 inches long and weighs about 2.5 to 3.8 pounds this month. He's getting so big, he's probably crowding your lungs.

your baby at 31 weeks He's going through major brain and nerve development. Eye development, too. His irises now react to light! All five of his senses are in working order

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