Friday, May 25, 2012

34 weeks- Butternut Squash!

This has just been a long week! Quite stressful, too, at times. I wasn't feeling well on Tuesday, and Pat, Nathaniel and I went out for dinner at Vito and Nick's. Good pizza and we all ate the same things. Unfortunately, I went downhill pretty quick. I put N to bed around 9:30 (we got home late) and then I went to bed myself. I woke up about 10:30 with the most incredible stomach pains and tightening I have ever felt. I was hoping that it was just gas and went to the bathroom. My stomach was hurting more than I can describe, and I thought "Oh my God, I'm in labor." I sat for a few more minutes on the potty, and then my ass exploded. Even through that, my stomach was still tightened and hurting. Pat brought me a bucket and I started throwing up, just like I did when I was in labor with N. I was terrified!

I kept waiting for either more pain or some relief, and then finally some relief came. I had already thought in my mind how to get to Christ hospital, what to do with Nathaniel, calling my mom and my doctor, and all the possible outcomes. Fortunately, by 11:00 everything had calmed down and I was able to get back to bed.

The next day I had a doctor's appointment, so when I told Dr. A. what had happened, he said it sounded like some sort of bug. I was ok with that explanation... until they went to do the NST. The nurse had to keep moving my uterine monitor, which of course made me worry. My mom met me at the hospital, just in case I was admitted. I wasn't, obviously, but ti was nice to have that reassurance. Once the nurse got the monitors settled, there were no visible contractions noted. With a sigh of relief, they took me off the monitors about 25 minutes later. However, when Dr. A. came in to say goodbye, see you next week, he told me not to have any issues with pre-term labor this weekend because he would be out of town. That made me quite worried. as he ahs never said anything like that before. Then he told me that since another doc would be on call, they would send me to UIC. When the nurse came in with my referral for UIC (for my regular appts) she mentioned that this would cover me up to my post-partum appointment with them. Again I freaked. She said it was jsut a precaution, but twice in one day, and the day after I thought I was in labor? I am hoping that it was just a coincidence.

Thursday, I went to UIC for my regular check up and a growth scan. It was nice to see Veronica again, but I was worried that she was going to be huge. My sugar levels haven't been as tightly controlled as they were with Nathaniel, and I worry (already) about her being a fat girl. Well, the first thing the tech says to me is "She's going to be a big girl." Thanks so much for that. ARGH. Well, she weighs 4 pounds 11 ounces, which is perfect for 34 weeks. But, it would be big for 32 weeks, which is what that office thinks I am. Veronica does have chubby cheeks, and she will be bigger than N was, but she is gorgeous!!! We were able to see some hair on her head, and she has perfectly pouty lips. I get to see her again tomorrow, when I have my next u/s (BPP), and I am feeling pretty good today. Only 35 more days and she will be here!!!

Now, here's what's going on according to the bump. Make sure you read the last one. EWWW!!!!

Watch what you say! Your curious baby is listening in to your conversations at 34 weeks -- and might enjoy a lullaby or two -- so go ahead and sing to him. Some say that baby will recognize songs mom sings while he’s in the womb, and may even be more easily soothed by them if he’s used to them once he’s on the “outside.” At week 34, you might breathe a little easier, since baby may descend lower into your pelvis and give your lungs some space. (Ahh!) Of course, some babies don’t do this until the day they’re born, so we’re not making any guarantees. The pitfall of this descent, of course, is even more pressure on your bladder, so be prepared to make even more trips to the ladies room over the coming weeks.

Your baby's the size of a butternut squash! At less than two months to go, he weighs in at about 4.2 pounds to 5.8 pounds and measures about 17.2 to 18.7 inches.

your baby at 34 weeks He's recognizing and reacting to simple songs, if you're singing them. (If you're not, start! He may find them soothing after birth.) He's also urinating about a pint a day.

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