Wednesday, June 6, 2012

35 weeks- Coconut

Just gonna keep this simple, since I should have done this one 5 days ago. Here's what's supposed to be going on inside.

Growing, growing, growing. Yup, baby and you. You’ve reached 35 weeks, and your uterus has grown about 1,000 times its original size, a number that might sound exaggerated to everyone else -- but to you it probably feels more like a million. You can expect to gain about a half-pound a week before birth, and baby’s beefing up, too. At 35 weeks, some moms-to-be feel like they have a ton of stuff left to do before baby’s arrival. Others can barely wait for baby to make his debut. Either way, try not to stress. Baby will show up when he’s ready, and he won’t care if you haven’t checked every little detail off your list.

Your baby's the size of a coconut! He's about 17.2 to 18.7 inches. From here on out, he won't get much longer, but he's plumping up. He's now about 4.2 to 5.8 pounds, and he'll put on a pound or more of baby fat before birth.

your baby at 35 weeks Now, his hearing is fully developed, and he responds best to high-pitched noises. If it's a boy, his testes have probably fully descended.

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