Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Tired of Stupid People

I know it's the worst thing in the world to be tired of, because they will never go away, but seriously, I just want to take people and shake them or slap the ever-loving shit out of them. Like the people who see my big old belly and ask if this is my first child. I could see people asking that if I were alone, but did they not see the three year old child in the cart that looks just like me and calls me Mommy????

Or the people on the online community I belong to asking if each little ache and pain is the beginning of their labor. My crystal ball says "call your fucking doctor!"

Or, on the same community, the people that swear that babies are born during the full moon, and then get all butt hurt when I tell them that yes, ALL babies are born during a full moon. EVERY SINGLE LITTLE FUCKER ON THE PLANET.

So obviously, I have just no patience left.

The heat doesn't really help anything, nor does this pain. I have had a few contractions today, nothing regular, or I'd be at the hospital, but painful enough to make me nauseous. Maybe she'll come earlier than the 29th. WHich, for those keeping track, is 10 days away.

Yeah, shit gets real when you can see the prediction for the weather the day your kid is scheudled to be born. Or when you can say "Next week" when sane people ask when you are due/having your baby. Yes, next week. That sounds so close. On Saturday, I can change that to "Friday."

In the event that I do go early, I have Nathaniel's bag for swim day at school all ready to go, which is Thursday, along with his birthday bags, which is next Thursday. So at least I have something accomplished, right? I really should repack N's suitcase, in case of an emergency like last week.

Bottom line, I really do have tons of stuff to do, but no desire or energy to get any of it done. At least tomorrow is Patty Melt Wednesday. Mmmmmm...

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