Wednesday, June 27, 2012

My Last Pre-baby Post

Well, we're just about there. Thank you Jesus for letting us get this far. There were many many moments when I didn't think I'd be here, 38w5d pregnant. This is the most pregnant I've ever been, or ever will be (Thank you permanent birth control!), since Nathaniel was born at 38w3d.

This week has been interesting, to say the least. On Saturday, I went for my BPP and NST at the hospital. The parking garage was closed and I had to park 2 blocks away and walk. OMG it was hot and I was so tired! But I got in there and went to do the monitoring. The u/s went well and then I went upstairs to do the NST. Much to my surprise, that went well too. Normally it takes me about 90 minutes to get the 25 minute test done, but I guess she was being a good girl since we needed to get back for Nathaniel's birthday party.

So we got home around noon, which was great becasue the party was starting at 1 pm. Had a great time, ate some great food and hung out with our family. But I was really ready for everyone to leave when it was over. I was exhausted!!!

Sunday passed pretty uneventfully, as did Monday. But then came Tuesday. I got on the scale and it said I had gained three pounds overnight. Dr. A. called and said that I had to go for another u/s and NST to make sure that everything was fine. I tried to explain to the nurse that I was wearing clothes, but he's the boss so off I went. Unfortunately, that meant I needed someone to pick up Nathaniel from school. I called my mom and she was able to get him, thank goodness. I had called her around 10:45, when the office called me, because I knew that there was no way I'd be in and out in three hours.

I was right. Turns out I had to do bloodwork and a pee test as well as the u/s and NST. I got to the hospital at 11:30 and left around 3 pm. Then it took me well over an hour to get home (damn construction). I was just beat.

I was super pissed too, since yesterday was the last day I had to really get anything done before Veronica is born. (I had a doc appointment today, and tomorrow is N's birthday. Then we'll be at the hospital having her!) I was also pissed because I physically felt good for the first time in months and I had to waste the day in L&D. But whatever, better safe than sorry, right? At this point I have about 42 hours to go. I can't wait to be done with this part of our life.

Today is Wednesday, and Pat was off today, so after my appointment, we were able to go out for lunch, just the two (and a half) of us. It was really nice to just be together. It will be a long time until we get to do that again. I also got to enjoy one of my last hot meals. I remember that really well from when Nathaniel was a newborn.

I hated the newborn phase. I hope that it passes quickly. I think I just have to try to remember that it's only temporary. Maybe because I've gone through it once (and know how fast it goes in reality) it won't be as bad this time. That's my hope anyway.

So just a little under two days to go. I will of course post some pictures here and type out the birth story, because I like to have a record of it, but I don't know exactly when that will happen. Right now, I just have to get through tonight and tomorrow and try not to melt. (102 degrees tomorrow. Ick!) Goodbye life with one child. Hello to life with two!

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