Sunday, July 17, 2011

Harry Potter and Other Goals

So I have accomplished a few of the goals this week. Nathaniel and I blew dandelions, we went to the zoo, and I mailed the invites for Pat's 30th birthday. I also went to see that last Harry Potter movie today. It was nothing short of spectacular! It was honestly one of the best movies I've seen. It may just move up to the number 2 movie on my all time list. (Is there anything that could replace Star Wars?) If I had a young adult vs. now list of movies, I think that HP 7.2 would be on the top. It was so wonderfully done.

Well, now I have finished 27 of my 101 things. I feel pretty good about that. I do understand that I picked some really easy things to do, but I had to start somewhere.

1 comment:

  1. I loved HP. It was an excellent end to a wonderful series. I wish I had read the books.

    I don't know how many things I have left on my list, but now that I look at it again, I don't know if I can finish all of them, but I'm going to damn well try lol.

    Keep it up! You inspire me!
