Monday, October 17, 2011

100th Entry

Really? Is that all? It seems like I've been pouring my heart out here for a lot longer than 100 posts. Wait... TV shows get a huge cake when they hit 100 episodes. Where's my cake? Maybe next week, on my birthday.

Jeez, I'm going to be 37 next week. When did I get that old? I mean, it's not old, but wasn't I just 25 a few weeks back? I still can't believe how much my life has changed in the past few years, but to say that I'm close to 40. I have a young child at home... how could I be in my late 30's?

OK, this wasn't supposed to be a birthday vent. This is a celebration post.

100 entries about stuff no one gives a shit about.

100 entries about paying off my debt (which is going pretty well, I might add).

100 entries about how much I love my family (or hate them, depending on my mood).

100 entries about how this time the diet will work. (HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!)

100 entries about the 101 things I will do in 1,001 days. If I had done one for every post, I would be just about done, but I am nowhere near it.

I do enjoy writting in this blog though. It gives me space to be me, whether you like it or not. It gives me the space I need to get stuff off my chest, so that I don't explode. I feel like this is my chance to talk to other adults, since I don't get to do that every day (even when Pat comes home before bed!)

It gives me the opportunity to do something while I wait. (And I am waiting again...)

Hopefully I haven't bored anyone to death and if I have, it will do no good to apologize now, so I won't. You know, cuz you're dead and stopped reading this long ago. You wouldn't read my apology anyway.

I am very proud of myself for the things I have aaccomplished this year. I am on a road to financial recovery, and I am in a much better mental state because I can swear as much as I want to when I am here. I get things off my chest and I confide in you, dear reader, things I would probably never say aloud. You can say them to me, and I will run and delete and then deny it, but whatevs.

Bottom line: I feel like Popeye. I am what I am and that's all that I am. I am free here, and no one can take that from me.

(And just so you know, even though the blog count says 95, I have a few entries that I never finished, so this is technically my 100th. Maybe that's why there's no cake!)


  1. congrats, and I care! it's an accomplishment! I don't even know how many posts I have lol <3

  2. We have cake here; I would gladly share. :) Congrats!
