Friday, January 20, 2012

Avocado 16 weeks

Can I just say I hate avocados? Yuck. Slimy, nasty, baby shit green things. But this one, I love. I think I felt the baby kick me yesterday afternoon. I was getting hungry and talking with a colleague when there was a definite jump in my tummy. It was awesome. I didn't feel Nathaniel until after 20 weeks. I have heard that second timers feel everything earlier, because you are able to recognize it for what it is, so I am thinking I'm right.

In 28 days, I will be halfway through this final pregnancy. Actually, more than halfway, since I will have a repeat C-section before 39 weeks. Scary!!! No appointments this past week, or the week before, so it's been kinda nice. I do have two next week though. One with Dr. C-B at the regular OB's office and one at UIC. Have I ever mentioned how much I hate going there? I should get the results from my NT scan though. I am assuming that if they haven't called with any news on that, then they can't be that bad, right?

What's going on in there:
Stay on the lookout for some fluttering sensations in your abdomen. It might not be right at 16 weeks, but pretty soon you’ll start feeling baby moving around in there. At first those moves might feel like gas or a muscle twitch, but over time, as baby gets bigger and stronger, they’ll be unmistakable. Of course, feeling those movements comes with other issues, like having your lungs crowded by your growing babe. That could make it seem tough to catch your breath from time to time. Don’t worry: There are some positive symptoms you might be having at week 16. For example, some moms-to-be find their hair and nails grow faster. (Your hair might actually look thicker and more lustrous and your skin might look radiant, too. Woo hoo!) Another cool fact? Baby’s starting to be able to hear your voice -- and she’ll recognize it at birth -- so feel free to chat her up.

your baby's the size of an avocado!
Now, she's about 4.6 inches long and weighs about 3.5 ounces, and she's big enough that your doctor may be able to hear her heartbeat.

your baby at 16 weeks
She's listening to your voice, thanks to tiny bones forming in her ears.
She's growing hair, lashes and eyebrows.
And she's forming taste buds.

1 comment:

  1. I love avocados (Max does, too)! Love even more that you've got one! Woo-hoo!
