Saturday, January 14, 2012

Orange- 15 weeks!!

OK, I know. I really need to get better about this. I am feeling better now, as the morning sickness seems to have subsided. Every few days I feel a bit nauseated, but not as bad as it was a few days ago. I am not sleeping though, and I feel every bit of that. I go to bed when Nathaniel does (around 8 or 8:30) but am always up by 3 am. IT SUCKS!!!!!!!!!

As for that little stinker, we are trying to break him of our very bad habit of sleeping in our bed. Yes, our very bad habit. We let it happen, we deal with the concequences. Rather, I deal with the consequences. Pat isn't home at night, so I deal with this all by myself. Last night was about 1 1/2 hours of crying that he wanted me, but he finally fell asleep at 9ish. Unfortunately, he woke up at 3 and came into my room. I was getting ready to take him back to his room when he told me he was wet. And boy was he! So his bed was also wet. Can't make the kid sleep on a wet bed, so where did he go? Yeah, my bed. He never went back to sleep though, which means that I didn't either. And I stayed up late last ngiht to try to sleep later today. Hopefully I will get a nap in later....

OK, now for the new little one. Our anatomy scan is schedueld for March 1st, when I will be just shy of 22 weeks. Stupid doctor won't listen to me and keeps telling me I am two weeks behind that. Whatever. Just do that damn scan. So we are looking forward to that. Started a registry at Target, mainly so that I can keep track of the things I want and the things I like. I won't put clothes on there though. I see no point in that. Most of what's on there is diapers and wipes. There's also a sit and stand stroller, so that Baby, Nathaniel and I can all go out together. (The day I don't have a stroller for Nathaniel is the day he will want to be in it all day! I am planing our first trip to the zoo and hope to use the stroller then.) Anyway, most companies will give you a coupon to finish buying the things on your registry, so that's why I made one. It's been fun to do it, but so much harder when you don't know yet what you're having. But I do have the advantage of knowing what worked for me before and what didn't. On to development:

15 Weeks Pregnant
While baby’s moving a ton on the inside, you might be moving a ton -- between the sheets. Now that you’re at 15 weeks, you’re probably feeling very high energy, and that means high libido, too. Your partner isn’t feeling nearly as frisky? That’s totally normal too. Let’s face it, the thought of baby being so close while you two are, um, doing the deed, can freak a guy out. Remind him that baby has no idea what’s going on -- and, as long as your OB hasn’t given you any activity restrictions -- sex won’t hurt baby or threaten your pregnancy. Of course, you might be dealing with some not-so-sexy pregnancy symptoms during week 15, like nosebleeds, stomach issues and swollen gums, so if you’re not feeling up to sex, it’s completely understandable.

your baby's the size of a navel orange!
The average fetus at 15 weeks weighs 2.5 ounces and measures 4 inches -- and his proportions are becoming even more normal, since his legs now outmeasure his arms.

your baby at 15 weeks
You probably can't feel it yet, but she's squirming a ton!
She might even be hiccuping in there.
She's making lots of progress: her joints and limbs can all move now.

Oh, I forgot to mention one small thing. Well huge actually. I look like I am about 6 months pregnant instead of 3. When people say that you show much faster with the second, they sure as shit weren't kidding!! I have about 2 inches left in my winter coat! It's scary and awesome all at the same time. I will try to get a picture in here later. Perhaps one of me 6 months with Nathaniel so you can compare the two. It's crazy!!!!

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