Friday, May 27, 2011

Today is Friday (and I am weird)

I couldn't be happier about that (the Friday part).

My day started at 5:30 this morning when I woke up from a "Thelma and Louise" dream about my BFF Kris and I going to Vegas. Yes, we killed someone in my dream, but he was trying to sell us into sex slavery. He was a cab driver who looked a lot like my ex. Kris was in the front seat and I was in the back. We had been looking for a cab after we had swindled four ring side tickets out of some guy for the Mike Tyson fight. We were at Caeser's and tried very calmly to outrun the cops. But, the sidewalks were covered with snow and ice and we were having a hard time. So, we hailed a cab while we were running.

The cabbie pulled up and after we were in the car, he said that he had been looking for us because we looked like trouble. (and we do- or used to anyway) He tried to drug us and sell us. I was wearing one of my nightgowns and it has a robe with a tie. I took the tie off the robe and started winding it around my hands, to have a better grip. Meanwhile, the creep was feeling up my leg from the front seat and trying to drive at the same time. Kris could see what I was doing and she was relieved, since she was handcuffed to the seat. I put the tie around his neck (like I've seen in a million movies) and he started laughing. Kris managed to get herself out of the cuffs to grab the wheel. After a while, I was able to choke him to death and we threw him out while driving.

As we sped down the strip (which all of a sudden looked like Governor's Highway in Richton Park) we ran a red light. I told Kris not to stop because no one would believe why we had killed the guy. Of course, the one time you don't want a cop around... SO he tried to pull us over. We kept running. I ended up waking myself up since I really didn't want to see how it ended.

I've decided that due to all the stress, my body is telling me I need a vacation... just maybe not with Kris and definitely not to Vegas!

1 comment:

  1. okay you know i was laughing my ass off at this cause this would sooo totally not happen, we would have robbed a bank, slept with a hot guy and gone off the cliff :) Love you!
