Monday, May 2, 2011

So Many Thoughts Running Around My Head

There has been so much going on in the last 24 hours, and I am doing my best to process it all. First, the news last night. My mom called me around 9:45 (Iron Chef America was still on but I was mostly asleep). She told me that Osama bin Laden had been killed. I couldn't figure out what was going on, since I was sleeping, but I got up and joined Pat in the living room to watch the President speak.

I waited. And waited. And waited. Finally President Obama came on to tell the world officially what had been done and the results of those efforts. I cried for a minute or two.

I don't know why I was crying. Was it because I think it's over? No, I don't think terrorism will ever be "over." Was it relief? I don't think that's it either. I think it was just me flashing back in my mind to nearly 10 years ago when I watched the plane fly into the second building. That morning will never fade from my brain.

I was getting ready for work, and dad was listening to the radio, as he always did. I heard the tv go on, and thought "Dad's really losing it. He's got the tv and radio on." I went in to ask him to turn one or the other off. He told me that a plane had flown into the WTC. At that time, no one knew why or what. I called my mom and she came in and then it happened. We sat there, dumbfounded, as the second plane flew into the building.

I knew in that moment that our world had changed forever.

As I drove to work that morning, terrified beyond what I could have imagined earlier that morning, I was talking to my BFF and we were discussing what had happened. Being in our mid-20's, we thought of our futures and what the future would bring. More terror? More bombings? Less safety?

I had night terrors for weeks after September 11th, and I would wake up screaming. I cannot (to this day) tolerate seeing any images of the towers- with or without the flames and smoke. I break down crying again.

Last night, after the President was done speaking to the world, I snuck into Nathaniel's room. I needed to hug and hold him close to me. I needed something pure and perfect. I needed him then more than he will ever need me. I picked up my beautiful son and whispered in his ear. I told him that I hope his world is a little more peaceful and safe.

Do I think it is? No. I fear retaliation for this act will come, and will come strong. I can only hope and pray, as many Americans will, that we can enter into a time of peace, a time of love, and a time of acceptance.

I hope and pray that what was done was really the best thing to have happened. As many parents feel, I don't care about what happens to me, I just hope that things are brighter and better for my child. I want him to live in a world that isn't affected by war and destruction on a daily basis.

Is there such a place? I tell you, my friends, there is. In that instant when I snuggled my son close to me in the night, a world exsisted in which there was nothing but peace, unending love, and the knowledge that everything I do is done with love and hope.

Let's hope that this can unite America as it once was, and that we can all start treating each other with a little more respect, love, and compassion. After all, everyone on this planet is someone's pure and perfect child.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. "I can only hope and pray, as many Americans will, that we can enter into a time of peace, a time of love, and a time of acceptance."

    As long as you continue to question the authority of our Government and always keep in the back of your mind the question if they are doing everything they can do to keep your family safe, then you have the right idea.

    I won't turn this into a Government rant although I want to lol, but I keep my respect and most of my thoughts to myself privately.

    It is a very serious situation. People are right when they say that no matter what we do, these people hate USA with every fiber their being and want all of us exterminated.

    However, with that being said, you need to live life and focus on the beautiful things from God. Like your son. Keeping him safe.
    I know that you and Pat will. What you have is love. Strong love and that over comes hate every single time. Excellent write and thank you for sharing! :)

    (I had to delete original post because it was full of typos lol)
