Friday, March 25, 2011

Apparently, I am a moron and other random thoughts

I can't even begin to describe how idiotic I feel right now. Today is Parent Teacher conferences, and I am on the teacher end. (Have to wait a few years to be on the parent end.) Anyway, I got my report cards ready today and began conferences. One student came in and I gave the student his report card, and expressed my sincerest apologies to the parent because the students got D's in Reading, Language Arts, and Health. Granted, I don't teach that student those classes, but the student is an A and B student-- a really smart kid. So, they left to talk to the reading teacher and they were crying- Mom, the student, the translator. I go on with another conference and see this student waiting to talk to me again. So I ask them back in and they explain to me that I had given that student the wrong report card! I have never been so embarrassed in my life! I have been teaching for 15 years and that has never happened! I felt so stupid and I just kept apologizing to the family and the student. I hope I can live this one down eventually.

On a more positive note, I wore make up to work today, so if I do it for the next 9 school days, I can check another task off my list- wear make-up to school every day for 2 weeks. It took longer thanI had hoped to get ready this morning, but I also put mousse in my hair and used the blow dryer. Nathaniel looked at it like it was soemthing he'd never seen before. I can believe that, actually. Who wants to spend all that time doing that? There's no one that I am trying to impress. But maybe if I start doing it regularly, I can do it all the time. Did that remind anyone else of exercising? Yeah, it's in the works.

When we get our tax refund, I want to get a new tv for the bedroom (which will end up being a new tv for the living room, and the living room one goes to the bedroom, and the bedroom one goes to the basement). Um, so in that roundabout way, I will get a TV and DVD player for the basement so I can work out. I bought the Zumba DVD's and they are fun, but it's really hard to dance like tht in gym shoes on carpet. Since there's tile downstairs, I can do it easier down there. Plus, I won't have the embarrassment of doing it where people could see me. Maybe I'll look at Costco this weekend for a new tv.

1 comment:

  1. I give you credit.
    I'd never be able to teach children.
    You are a very kind natured and good spirited smart lady.

    Don't let it get you down. Woo on the makeup!
    I love makeup! :)
