Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Today is better

I will probably end up with a few blog entires today. I thought of so much more that I wanted to say yesterday, but didn't get it all out. I can't keep things inside anymore, so I am just saying "whatever" and will make as many entries a day as I see fit.

First, I want to say thanks to my "followers." You make me feel special, even if you never read anything else I ever type.

Second, to the people I inspired to make a day zero list, I hope you really enjoy it! I had such an easy time coming up with 20 things... too bad I needed 101! I took me a while, but I made so many personal goals, and I have to tell you it feel pretty darn good to check things off.

Third, today is better. I didn't get as much sleep as I would have liked~ Nathaniel woke up at 5:30 coughing, and in the few seconds that it took me to get him some water, he was up and in our room. So I got up because there was just no way that Mommy was going to get any sleep if he was up and ready to play. That, and when he lays (lies? whatever) in our bed, he likes to kick us and tell us to move. It used to be cute...
But, I got to work early enough to make all my needed copies for the week, and a few for next week, and got some lesson plans done. I know that there are few people in the world that can understand the joy of getting lesson plans done ahead of time, but trust me, it's a relief. It means that I can leave right at 3:05 today, and maybe get home with enough energy to play with my boys or *gasp* work out.

I also had enough time to make and eat breakfast at home. Even though I made bacon and toast with cheese, it will still be less calories than if I stopped somewhere to get something to eat. I also managed to get to Aldi yesterday, and picked up some lunch stuff, so I have a pizza hot pocket and an orange. Yes, I am going to eat some fruit today. I really want to be a role model not only to Bug, but also to my class. I should say "positive role model" as I am sure they see enough negative role models.

Ok, enough for now. I think I am starting to ramble. But it really helps me calm my nerves and relax when I get everything that swims in my head out of it and on "paper."

1 comment:

  1. I love that you are blogging now and that you are inspiring others to do the 101 Things project. I told John that you were doing it and he was saying how amazing it is that he found out about the project from a random blog he was reading and the ripple effect it is having because of some German person with gender identity challenges we will never meet! (He needs to blog that story.)

    ANYway, YAY! that you have joined the blogosphere. Look forward to following your journey!
