Monday, November 14, 2011

Beta News

So I finally got the results from the blood test/ beta draw from Friday, the 11th. And I remembered to ask what my levels were the fist time. My first draw, on 11/4 was 25.3. My second draw was 757.9! The betas are supposed to double every 24 to 48 hours, so mine are perfect!

Of course, like the idiot I am, I had to go and look up what the average beta is for how many days past ovulation (dpo) I am. And then I got worried, since it should be 11 thousand something. I know that this one is going to stick though, and that beta levels vary greatly, so I am going to stop worrying.

On another note, my doctors will no longer see me. I am quite sad about that, as they took great care of me and they delivered Nathaniel. But I am quite sure I will be in good hands with the MFM doctors. That stands for Maternal Fetal Medicine. I saw one when I was pregnant with Nathaniel, but that one didn't deliver babies. These docs do. I just don't know where! Maybe I won't have another St. James baby. It wold be really nice (for us) if they delivered at Christ. Imagine not driving 45 minutes to the hospital but only driving 5 minutes (damn traffic lights!) So that would be nice.

I am hopeful that I can get in to see the docs next week, as they also have a diabetes center there. One stop shopping for me!

So I am thinking that (other than today) every Friday I will do a pregnancy post. I picked Friday, because that's when I change weeks. Right now, I am 6 weeks 3 days. My baby is the size of a sweet pea, and it's heart is already beating, which means the circulatory system has formed. It is so incredible!

Also, this is the day in my last pregnancy that I miscarried, so I am really excited to still be pregnant. I lost the other one at 7 weeks 4 days, so in 8 days, I am going to be one happy mommy. 10 days I'll be happier- Thanksgiving!

SO anyway, excpect updates on Friday, unless something happens that I need to share right away (like ultrasounds and ultrasound pictures.) I really hope to catch my mom's expression when she finally finds out. (fingers crossed for Thanksgiving day.)

To tell her, by the way, I bought Nathaniel an adorable shirt that has two dump trucks on it and says "Someday I'll drive a big truck, just like Daddy, but for now, I'll just be a big brother!" I'm going to have Nathaniel wear the shirt and wait for people to read it. I will post a picture of the shirt when it arrives. I ordered it from Etsy.

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