Tuesday, November 29, 2011

So Tired of Doctors!!!

But at the same time, I am so grateful for them!

Saturday morning, Nathaniel woke up in the night screaming. We rushed to his room, and felt that he was burning up. Took his temp and it was 103. Gave him some tylenol and went back to bed. When he woke up, he was shivering and hot! And when i say shivering, I mean this kid scared the hell out of me! I had never seen anything like that before. Took his temp again and it was 103.5. SO we called the doc and went in at 9:30. They put him on Zithromax and said that there wasn't any ear infections, but there had to be something somewhere. (really? ya think?) We also were told to go back to the breathing treatments.

So we fast forward to Saturday afternoon. Temp goes up to 104. Call the doc again and she prescribes another antibiotic to take along with the zithro. Ugh. He hates taking the meds! We are still battling the fever at this point, and alterating between the tylenol and motrin.

We keep at it, and Sunday he seems to be feeling better. Temps arent' as high and he is running around like nothing has happened. We had dinner plans with family for Sunday night and we go. During dinner, you can just see that he is starting to not feel well again. We get home, take his temp, and it's back to 103. More motrin and off to bed.

At 1 am Sunday night, he wakes up and (since he was in bed with me) wakes me up too. I felt him and had to pull my hand back. He was on fire. I took his temp and it was 104.7. Off to the ER we go.

They got his temp down a bit, and then we talked about pneumonia and chest x-rays. All the time this is going on, I can feel morning sickness creeping on me. NOt only am I exhausted from growing humans, but I only got 3 hours of sleep before we went to the ER. Add in the stress of a very sick child, and it was too much for me.

Pat and I decided that we wanted to do a chest x-ray to rule out pneumonia, and fortunately, it was. So the ER docs decided that it's just a virus that he has, and it's got to work itself out. Should be gone in 3 to 5 days.

Now, while that's wonderful, do you know anyone that can just take a week off of work? Cuz I don't. I don't know what I am going to do tomorrow. Maybe send him to school in hopes that his fever doesn't come until the afternoon, so that I can work a full day? My mom had already offered to come watch him on Monday when he was sick on Saturday, so I was grateful for that.

I took off today, and can possibly do tomorrow too, but I am burning up all of my sick days. I will need those later in the pregnancy for (even more) doctor appointments.

And speaking of pregnancy related doctor appointments, I have one this afternoon with Dr. A (and that's good, because I am out of insulin and need a new rx for it). I have two next Monday at UIC. One ultrasound and one with the high risk OB. On Tuesday, I have an appointment with the dietician at the diabetes center, and will probably have to see Dr. A again that day too. That is going to be difficult. They are at the same location (different buildings) but how do I get an appointment early enough with Dr. A to meet with the dietician without taking half a day off? I still have to pick up Nathaniel. My mom is working on Tuesday, since she took off Monday to take Nathaniel spp that Pat and I can go to UIC.

I know that everything will work out and all this will be worth it in July, but for right now, it's just really annoying.

Did I mention that nathaniel will be accompanying me to all these appointments (not UIC)? Yeah, not fun. But I really have no other choice.

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