Monday, April 25, 2011

I Caved

Yeah, I suck. I lost the battle. Crackers, mashed potatoes, and the most delicious lemon pudding cheesecake.

But, today is a new day, and I can start over. I made it 2 weeks before I lost it to carbs and I can do it again. I haven't gotten on the scale to see the actual damage I've done, (mainly because I feel bad enough) but I will later. Damn Easter dinner.

On a positive note, I don't have any more holidays coming up for 2 months. Nothing until Nathaniel's birthday, so that's 2 months more that I can get under my belt. After that, there's nothing until Thanksgiving (which I will not be hosting unless I have to.)

I had a great Easter though. My sister and her family came over, as did my mom, my in-laws and Pat's uncle. Small enough to not be overwhelming, but large enough for everyone to have a good time. We even had an Easter egg hunt for the kids (although my sister's kids are probably too old for that by now. They were great helping Nathaniel find eggs and I think they like what I put in the eggs.) Forgot to bring out the bubbles, but we can play with those when we have Nathaniel's birthday party.

I can't believe that in two short months, my baby will be 2 years old. Where has the time gone? I just start crying when I think about it. Not sad crying, but nostalgic crying. I am so proud of everything that he accomplishes. I don't think that someome could ever understand that swelling of pride.

I think it goes back to those old journals and never feeling like I could ever do anything good enough. My Nathaniel (I hope) will never have those feelings because everything he does is good. He is such a good boy, and a stinker, and a genius rolled in to one remarkable little boy. I am truly blessed.

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