Wednesday, June 15, 2011


So, I have been trying to eat better, and I just can't seem to break my old habits. I'd say my bad habits, but all my habits are pretty much bad, so... kinda pointless to add that.

But, after eating enough to make myself ill (although I wasn't, it was just enough to do it) I decided that Nathaniel and I would go for a walk. We walked a good long time. We were about 30 minutes into our walk (and therefore 30 minutes away from the house) when I heard the first rumble of thunder.

Yeah, it was about to rain. We turned around where we were and started heading back home faster than we had left. It didn't really help. About 3 blocks from home, the heavens opened up and soaked us. Nathaniel loved it. Of course he would, he was under the stroller shade. I, on the other hand, was not so lucky. I was soaking wet by the time we got home. It was a nice cool shower, but it would have been more welcome if I was closer to home and not wearing jeans.

You all know what wearing wet jeans is like, right?

We got home and I went to enter the garage, since I had the stroller. Of course, when I go to enter the password for the door, I have no clue what it is. Why can't husbands choose a number that means something to all persons who have to open the door, not just themselves?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!

I think I got wetter standing there than I did while walking back to the house.

I got Nathaniel to bed for a nap and by the time I had done that (which takes 5 minutes including the diaper change) it had completely stopped raining. Ugh.

But, I will admit, it was a lot of fun walking in the rain. I recommend it to everyone.

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