Wednesday, June 8, 2011

I Rock and Other Stuff

I sent my sister a text this morning about Nathaniel and I coming for a visit. She replied and said too busy and it ended with "you rock!" I was so excited thinking I was something special. I sent her back a text asking what I had done to get a "you rock." I was thinking of all the possibilities- because I'm me... because Nathaniel is my son... Because it's a billion degrees out and I still took Nathaniel for a walk... The possibilities were endless.

She texted me back and my dreams were crushed. It's just her signature. SIGH... I am not so special after all. But, I still thought it was pretty damn funny.

Speaking of walking, it is stupid hot right now. 9 in the morning and it's over 80 plus humidity. Nathaniel really loves that wagon, so I took him for a walk anyway. I was so hot by the time we got back. I'd like to think that the really good looking condstruction worker that waved was waving at me, but I'm pretty sure it was at Nathaniel. He was really excited to see the big trucks that are redoing the cross street at the other end of the block (and I am happy it's at the other end of the block!). We only went around the block once, but I did take that walk again.

Tomorrow, it's supposed to be about 30 degrees cooler than today (stuffy nose anyone?) and rainy. We'll be going for that walk for sure! Good day to play in the rain. We will also be helping my mom find an apartment tomorrow, so that will consume a good portion of my day.

Oh, I almost forgot. I cleaned out the car (for our trip to Michigan City) so I can cross another thing off my day zero project list. Still working on others and will update on those when I can.

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